Mandy Seiner

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At Absolute Peace With Myself For The First Time Ever, Sitting On The Curb Next To The Highway In Mifflinvile, Pennsylvania While Eating A Spicy Italian Subway Hoagie On Easter Sunday 

I asked the sandwich artist if I could skip the tomato and onion 
and she said “honey, you’re free to leave anything you don’t like” 

I’m glad I can only afford the bus home because I never give myself time 
to sit and do nothing and I’ve never been to Mifflinvile before,
but maybe it’s the center of the universe or at least a place
where I could learn something of utter importance 

I think I’ve decided to decide what I want for myself, and today
that includes not speaking to anyone who isn’t selling me something 
and taking luxuriously too long to pick a bottle of seltzer
from the cooler in Love’s while a country song
about hating your wife plays overhead 

maybe I don’t love my life but I don’t want to be greedy,
my childhood home had central air conditioning
and that made me a spoiled brat 

but there are so many highway rest stops I haven’t been to yet and
so many Subway sandwiches uneaten and an infinity of Chevy crossovers
to watch whiz by while the grass stains my ass and I think about how it feels 
when middle aged women with unbrushed hair call me baby 

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I’m Sorry, but I Have to Go Somewhere That Isn’t Here 

Getting too comfortable is like shearing a sheep 
only to have the wool grow back instantaneously. 

It’s not that I don’t love you. It’s just that
I think there are other people I could love more. 

Given enough time, anyone could break your heart. 
That’s a good enough reason to never sleep with anybody. 

It’s impossible for every good thing to happen 
in the same place. So I need to keep moving. 

I drink too much coffee because I need a personality 
trait that I can use to relate to people everywhere. 

When I get lonely I read Wikipedia pages.
That’s the only reason I know who George Howell is. 

I own a car now, but only because I need 
my own private room where I can scream. 

Most accidents happen on familiar roads. Muscle memory. 
I’ve been driving dangerously for so long. 

Everything I do is an exercise in being insufferable. 
When I open my mouth, shrapnel falls out. 



Mandy Seiner is a writer and educator from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the ketchup capital of the world. She earned her BFA in Poetry at Emerson College in Boston, where she wrote about Bigfoot, grief, and Jewish food. She currently works for the NYC Department of Education, following a history with creative writing nonprofits and public schools. Talk to her about matzoh ball soup and urban farming.